Everything You Need for the Perfect Shooting Experience

STS is a Home Office Approved target shooting club and our National Governing Body is the National Rifle Association (NRA). As such we are committed to the highest safety standards and adhere to the latest NRA training and best practices.
Long Range Shooting, and Action Shooting is fun, but we also pride ourselves in our firearms instruction for safety.

We have an outstanding team of qualified and practicing Instructors and Range Officers at STS who are approachable and dedicated. Everyone on the team goes the extra half mile to help people progress their knowledge and skills as a marksperson, no matter what your current skill level is from beginner to experienced.
Structured NRA approved courses in:
Long Distance Shooting
Gallery Rifle Shooting
Pistol Shooting

If any of our members feel concerned about anything to do with the club, they are encouraged to bring those concerns to the attention of any member of the management committee. Should members prefer to remain anonymous when raising concerns, our 'Members Voice' (elected to the management committee annually by members) is available and will ensure your concerns are addressed whilst maintaining your anonymity (both from other members and from the rest of the management committee).